All the value of caregivers

Busy with other things. Overwhelmed. Invisible. This is often how companies see caregivers, employees who in their private lives regularly take care of someone (elderly parents, children, partners, friends) or do voluntary work.

Already today 7 out of 10 workers are caregivers. With the increase in the average age of the population, their number is set to grow. In addition, more and more individuals in the so-called “Sandwich Generation” are having to manage the care of children and elderly parents at the same time. But are companies able to see them?

Companies can make two choices: pretend nothing is happening, with a negative impact on people’s well-being and related costs for the business; or see and harness the talents that caregivers train every day precisely in caring for a loved one.

Do not waste your resources: use the Lifeed Care programme

With the Care digital self-coaching programme from Lifeed, companies foster the well-being, engagement and retention of caregiver employees, who can transfer up to 63 skills trained from their private life experiences to the workplace, improving productivity, engagement
and well-being.

Want to find out more? Download the whitepaper