Mondelēz wins the HR Innovation Awards 2022 with the Lifeed project

Mondelēz International in Italy received the HR Innovation Award 2022 for the category Valuing Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing, organised by the HR Innovation Award Observatory of the Politecnico di Milano. The company was honoured at the conference organised by the university for the project undertaken in conjunction with Lifeed.

In fact, between 2020 and 2022, Mondelēz started two training paths in partnership with Lifeed dedicated to the recognition and enhancement of the soft skills that people develop in their private lives, which can also be recognised and applied in the workplace. The first path is dedicated to the advancement of caregivers, aimed at all employees who take care of other people, developing skills and expertise that are also useful in the professional sphere.

Constant monitoring of engagement data showed that 85% of the people involved expressed greater well-being and closeness to the company, and increased their sense of responsibility, leadership skills and decision-making.

The excellent results prompted Mondelēz to expand the self-coaching solution to the entire corporate population with the aim of developing greater work-life synergy and exploring people’s identity dimensions by appreciating their uniqueness and hidden talents.

Promoting work-life synergy

“For years at Mondelēz International in Italy, we have focused on listening to our people and promoting actions aimed at supporting our well-being. The Lifeed masters courses are part of the company’s range of welfare – such as the programme aimed at stress-free parenting – and well-being services, which are designed to support people by harnessing the soft skills that emerge from their vast array of life experiences. Recognising the expressed identity dimensions of people creates a greater synergy between work and private life that makes everyone feel recognised and therefore included”, says Olga Lo Conte, People Lead at Mondelēz for Italy.

Tra i benefici, la possibilità di analizzare i dati aggregati della piattaforma sulla quale vengono organizzati i contenuti digitali per far emergere tendenze e valori condivisi dalla popolazione aziendale. Inoltre, i dati permettono di misurare e migliorare l’engagement dei partecipanti ai percorsi. Il beneficio più importante ottenuto attraverso il progetto è rappresentato dall’aumento della consapevolezza che le persone hanno rispetto alle loro competenze e abilità trasversali sviluppate al di fuori del contesto organizzativo.

“This is not just a reasonable intuition: the data we observe every day in Lifeed and the experience of companies like Mondelēz show that recognising and valuing what people are outside of work produces major benefits in terms of engagement, well-being and skills development”. Chiara Bacilieri, Head of Data at Lifeed commented: “This is why we are delighted with the recognition obtained by Mondelēz, which we consider to be one of the companies most focused on taking care of its people and most committed to this process of cultural change in our country”.

The HR Innovation Award, established in 2011, aims to create awareness and promote the sharing of innovation and improvement projects in human resources management and development processes through the adoption of the most innovative digital technologies.