People are increasingly disconnected from work and don’t feel well in their company. Only one in five employees feels engaged today.

This disconnect impacts all generations, especially the younger ones, and is destined to widen the Talent shortage phenomenon: a lack of talent that is expected to reach 85 million people globally by 2030.

Moreover, the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will lead to greater diversification of the skills required in the job market.


To reconnect people to work, traditional training is not enough. Companies need to look at people from 360 degrees, enhancing all the dimensions of their private and professional life.

Only in this way organizations can see and unlock everyone’s full potential, thus improving retention, growth and productivity of their collaborators.

But what is potential and where is it? These are transversal skills – or soft skills – that represent the skills of the future according to World Economic Forum and are developed above all outside of work.


To encourage talent retention and development, companies are called upon to build a long-term strategy on multiple levels. Lifeed’s research identified three key areas of intervention:

The data from the Work-Life Observatory, based on the 2023 Survey which involved 1,219 participants in Lifeed learning paths, demonstrate that valuing people in their entirety allows for a concrete impact on all these areas.

This Impact Report presents the data collected from Lifeed’s 2023 Survey which analyzed the responses of participants to its learning and development paths. The skills trained by people in their private and professional life transitions emerged.

The analysis of the results demonstrates the effectiveness of Life Based Learning, the method created by Lifeed that allows people to transfer their soft skills from private life to work and vice versa.

The BCC Iccrea Group is the largest cooperative banking group in Italy, the only national banking group with entirely Italian capital and the fourth banking group in Italy by assets.

With the aim of supporting female professional growth and empowerment, the company chose the Lifeed Radar digital development solution to bring out the talents of each of the participants, enhance them and strengthen their leadership profile.

Lifeed Radar has been included within the path that the Group is pursuing in terms of sustainability and Diversity & Inclusion. “The data that emerged from the launch of the Radar solution was surprising,” says Fabiola Massimi, Head of Group People Development & Performance of Gruppo BCC Iccrea.

Lifeed presents Lifeed Radar TM, the first digital development solution that, by applying Artificial Intelligence to a unique wealth of Human Data, reveals and activates the full potential of people in the company, even that traditionally unexpressed.

On average, only 30% of people’s potential is utilised in the workplace. Thanks to Lifeed Radar TM, companies can utilise the other 70%, the one that is usually used outside of work.


This is a real revolution in the way organisations look at and value people, the result of 10 years of investment in the study of Human Intelligence and research, carried out in collaboration with Ca’ Foscari University, Bocconi University, University of Milan-Bicocca, Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna, University of Turin, Kellogg School of Management and National Innovation Centre Ageing.

Thanks to these studies, Lifeed Radar TM is able to make visible and give value to resources that are usually ignored because they are used in areas outside the workplace: in this way, even non-work experiences become useful and productive.

Managers, trainers and HR will be able to look at people in a new way thanks to Artificial Intelligence, receiving innovative Human Data with indications on how to improve the work of teams, relationships between people, skills such as innovation, leadership, mental agility and problem solving, maximising the full potential of people.


The effects of this solution have proven to be particularly effective in three areas: that of Retention, because people who are better seen are stronger and more motivated to stay in the company; that of Diversity & Inclusion, because getting to know people better enables the elimination of biases that weaken their potential; and that of Reskilling, as it doubles the soft skills available to employees.

Lifeed Radar is composed of a first tool designed for people: MultiMe® Finder, an individual development tool that allows you to discover, measure and activate all the resources available in your private and professional life roles; and the Lifeed Monitor, a second tool that provides HR, managers and trainers with real-time Human Data accompanied by useful indicators and strategic actions to increase the potential available in teams.

“We have invested ten years in research and technological development to get to where we are today. No other solution on the market is able to do what Lifeed Radar does: we are excited to offer organisations a solution that finally allows the full potential of each individual to be ignited, enabling a healthier and faster growth process, with an impact on society as well. And with the ability to measure results accurately and continuously over time,” says Riccarda Zezza, founder and CEO of Lifeed.


The BCC Iccrea Group was able to use the Lifeed Radar solution in pilot mode, embarking on a path aimed at Diversity & Inclusion with a focus on female empowerment.

“We started a path to support the professional growth of the less represented gender, in a meritocratic and equal opportunity logic, studying an empowerment programme aimed at bringing out the talents of each of the participants in order to enhance them and strengthen their leadership profile” explains Fabiola Massimi, Head of Group People Development & Performance, BCC Iccrea Group.

“The data that emerged from the launch of the Radar solution was surprising: 90% of our women feel more confident and aware and are ready to try out the skills they generally only use in their personal life roles also in the professional sphere, achieving +19% leadership empowerment; overall, the results showed +20% effectiveness compared to the average Caring Companies”.

Do you want to learn more about the benefits of Lifeed Radar? Download the whitepaper below and find out how to activate 100% of people in your company.

The parental burnout phenomenon has become increasingly common ever since the pandemic hit. Over 52,000 mothers and fathers in Italy quit their jobs in a year (data from the National Labor Inspectorate, 2021). A treasure trove of energy, skills and talent wasted by companies.

Work-life balance is a daily obstacle course for working parents who are constantly trying to balance their personal and professional lives.

Today, however, administrations can see and use the talent that their employees with children exercise every day. This allows companies to improve people’s well-being, engagement and productivity.

So how can you activate parents’ soft skills in your company? Find out in Lifeed’s whitepaper “Parents – Talent at Work”.

The pandemic has revolutionised people’s idea of work-life balance. Today, 81% of workers see their professional career as just a part of a full and satisfactory life (ManpowerGroup, The New Human Age: 2023 Workforce Trends).

Workers of all ages and genders are looking for companies that can actively recognise and support the importance of a healthier work-life balance.

In a scenario characterised by global trends such as Quiet quitting, Great resignation, mental health issues and low work engagement, companies can take on an active role in caring for their employees so as to attract and retain talent, fostering the sustainability of the company itself. And the data collected by Lifeed proves it.

In order to attract, retain and develop talent, companies must focus on four main areas:


This report presents the data collected by Lifeed’s 2022 Survey, which analysed the answers of 1,125 participants in its learning paths. The survey revealed the skills and talent developed by people during their life transitions: becoming parents or caregivers, or going through a period of significant change like facing the consequences of the pandemic and changing jobs.

The analysis of the results proves the effectiveness of Life Based Learning, the method devised by Lifeed that enables people to transfer their soft skills and talent from their personal to professional lives and vice versa.