Veolia. Bringing different worlds together can favor work-life synergy

Caregivers are becoming more visible at work. But 50% of working caregivers still hide their multiple family care roles from their employer. As part of their talent development program, Veolia wanted to improve the work-life balance for their caregiver employees. They did this by choosing Lifeed. Using Life Based Learning methods, workers have begun to understand how their family care experiences can boost their careers.

“At Veolia, many people have a family. Our average worker is 45 years old. As parents or children, we’re constantly put to the test. We have to negotiate, compromise and manage complex situations. With Lifeed, we can see how these same skills can be applied at work, improving perseverance, self esteem and performance. All these things are essential for our work and colleagues. The reverse is also true: often we find ourselves using office-learned skills at home too. This just goes to show that our personal and working lives can compliment each other”. – Emanuela Trentin, CEO

Veolia is a global company, with over 3,000 Italian employees currently taking part in Lifeed. Our programs offer employees the chance to take part in a new learning journey. The platform also creates opportunities for people to connect other like-minded professionals. “This wouldn’t have easily happened with our ‘classic’ communications channels at work’ explains Trentin.

“Collaboration and shared objectives favor synergy. They also improve the corporate climate. We chose Lifeed because the company’s ethos is all about bringing different worlds and ways of living together, to bring out the best in people”.