People are increasingly disconnected from work and don’t feel well in their company. Only one in five employees feels engaged today.
This disconnect impacts all generations, especially the younger ones, and is destined to widen the Talent shortage phenomenon: a lack of talent that is expected to reach 85 million people globally by 2030.
Moreover, the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) will lead to greater diversification of the skills required in the job market.
To reconnect people to work, traditional training is not enough. Companies need to look at people from 360 degrees, enhancing all the dimensions of their private and professional life.
Only in this way organizations can see and unlock everyone’s full potential, thus improving retention, growth and productivity of their collaborators.
But what is potential and where is it? These are transversal skills – or soft skills – that represent the skills of the future according to World Economic Forum and are developed above all outside of work.
To encourage talent retention and development, companies are called upon to build a long-term strategy on multiple levels. Lifeed’s research identified three key areas of intervention:
The data from the Work-Life Observatory, based on the 2023 Survey which involved 1,219 participants in Lifeed learning paths, demonstrate that valuing people in their entirety allows for a concrete impact on all these areas.
This Impact Report presents the data collected from Lifeed’s 2023 Survey which analyzed the responses of participants to its learning and development paths. The skills trained by people in their private and professional life transitions emerged.
The analysis of the results demonstrates the effectiveness of Life Based Learning, the method created by Lifeed that allows people to transfer their soft skills from private life to work and vice versa.